Saturday, January 26, 2008

xtra cash for homeschool mommies

Ok, how many days can a person stay in the home with out going totally insane?? I have mastered the art of seclusion, hahahaha, Yes I'm afraid that I have gone compleatly off the deep end. There is hope. You may have noticed my other post about my Discovery Toys business. I cannot express the satisfaction these educational toys have brought to me and my family. I use them as teacher helps throughout the week, from the giant peg board to the board games, I am always finding a way to incorporate these toys into the learning process, not to mention they keep my 2 year old well entertained while I teach. I encourage each and every one of you to visit my toystore and explore the possibilities yourself. Creative play is unbridled enthusiasm, in my opinion. Not only do these products open many new avenues to education, it gives me the opportunity to go to the grocery store and work while I shop. Its not about how I can help myself, but rather how I can help others. I have found there is nothing more satisfying then helping someone overcome a difficult situation, very fulfilling for me.